Instructions regarding War Diaries and Intelligence
Summaries are contained in F.S. Regs. Part II.
and the Staff Manual respectively. Title Pages
will be prepared in manuscript.
Army Form C. 2118.
(Erase heading not required.)
Page 1
Original Confidential
War Diary Month October 1917
Place Date Hour Summary of Events and Information Remarks and references to Appendices
30th Cont.
Rations and supplies were sent forward to the Battalion to-night by pack RFP.
train, 22 mules being required for this work. In addition to the 24 hour rations, there
was transported to Battalion Headquarters 116 gallons of drinking water, 480 ounces
of solidified alcohol, 550 candles and 550 pairs of new socks. The pack train reached
their destination notwithstanding heavy shell fire, with only one man wounded
All the positions captured yesterday have been held and are now
well consolidated. Our losses are estimated at 150 of all ranks. No organized RFP.
counter attacks have been made by the enemy, but heavy hostile artillery fire
has continued. To-night our Battalion relieved in the front line the 85th Battalion,
taking over their positions in the consolidated ground. The weather do-day was
clear. The ground conditions improved somewhat. RFP.
R.F. Parkinson
2449 Wt W14957/M90 750,000 1/16 J.B.C. & A. Forms/C.2118/13.
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