Instructions regarding War Diaries and Intelligence
Summaries are contained in F.S. Regs. Part II.
and the Staff Manual respectively. Title Pages
will be prepared in manuscript.
38th Canadians
(Erase heading not required.)
Page 46
Army Form C. 2118.
Original - Confidential
War Diary for the month of October 1916
Place -- Date -- Hour -- Summary of Events and Information Remarks and references to Appendices
Front Line 1917 Aug 23 cont.
to the rear of the above location. He is still in the above loca-
tion with fixed bayonets. Lieut. Corbett reports seeing some
of our men where the enemy were last seen. Between
5. and 5.20 pm much bombing activity was noticed in
the neighbourhood of FOSSE StLEWIS also, as far west as
N.19.d.7.5. where the Huns seemed to drive our troops
in a south-easterly direction to about N.19.d.9.4. He then
left the position on the north, and proceeded in a small
circle northwards to the neighbourhood of the LENS-
ARRAS Road at about N.20.c.02.22. again attacking
with bombs. A party of our men was seen proceeding
southwards along the LENS-ARRAS Road while the Bos?es
then returned northwards along the LENS-ARRAS Road
and from appearances this vicinity was left un-
occupied. No movement of our troops after this was
noticed east of a line drawn from N.19.d.80.00. to the
junction of BELL Street and MILLHILL Road, but I am
not prepared to state that we did not have posts further
advanced than this. Every assistance was given by
our troops by both Lewis gun and rifle fire from the
neighbourhood of ELEU trenches and ELK SAP and very
many casualties were inflicted where we were sure of our
targets. Much valuable work might have been done
2449 Wt W14957/M90 750,000 1/16 J.B.C. & A. Forms/C.2118/13.
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