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Instructions regarding War Diaries and Intelligence
Summaries are contained in F. S. Regs. Part II.
and the Staff Manual respectively. Title pages
will be prepared in manuscript.

38th Canadians

(Erase heading not required.)

Page 14
Army Form C. 2118.

Original - Confidential
War Diary for the month of July 1917


Place -- Date -- Hour -- Summary of Events and Information 15 -- Remarks and
references to


1917 July 31 cont last night, the area of LA COULOTTE, LENS - ARRAS ROAD
and LA COULOTTE 1 ROAD as far as GIVENCHY was shelled
intermittently. Also the trench occupied by our right
Company in AVION. Most of the shells were wiz bangs
and 4.2's. At noon the vicinity of the craters at N. 26.
C. 1.9. was heavily shelled. During the night the area
of SULLIVAN TRENCH was bombarded from the direc-
tion of the railway embankment and FOSSE .4.
The registration on the Trench line was poor and no
damage was caused. Every machine gun activity
was below normal. Some indirect fire was directed
on the LENS - ARRAS ROAD during the night near junc-
tion of Columbia Trench. Practically no losses
were caused or any damage resulted from hostile
Artillery activity. Little or no enemy, movement
was observed during the day.

[signature] C M Edwards
Lt. Colonel
38th Canadians


2353 Wt. W2544/1454 700,000 5/15 D. D. & L. A.D.S.S./Forms/C. 2118.

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