Instructions regarding War Diaries and Intelligence
Summaries are contained in F.S. Regs. Part II.
and the Staff Manual respectively. Title Pages
will be prepared in manuscript.
(Erase heading not required.)
Army Form C. 2118.
Page 2
38th Canadians
Original Confidential
War Diary Month July 1917
Place -- Date -- Hour -- Summary of Events and Information Remarks and references to Appendices 3
Front Line 1917 July 1 cont.
our guns covering our entire Brigade frontage was directed
at the enemy front line. From 12.35 pm to 2.00 pm a
large number of high explosives was directed at about
N.28.a. At 2.35 pm 60 shrapnel was directed at
N.27.b. and D. Our Machine Guns delivered small
bursts on enemy routes in rear. A considerable num-
ber of our planes were observed in the rear of our lines.
From 4.35 pm to 4.55 pm about 30 Hun shells mainly
H.E. were directed in N.32.c.4. and N.31.d.4.3. From 7 pm
to 10.25 pm enemy artillery were extremely quiet. From
10.25 pm to 12 midnight, about 30 H.E. were directed
from N.21.d.0.5. to i.b.7.8. and 40 H.E's from T.1.a.5.0.
to T.1.b.7.4. From 12.25 am to 10.30 am a number of
H.E. were scattered along our line. From 10.30 am to
about 3 pm extremely quiet. At 8.30 am
an enemy plane flew over N.31 and dropped one red
& one white flare, thence returned & dropped one red
flare over N.32.c. and two red flares over N.31. and on
returning to enemy lines, dropped two more red flares
over N.32.c. At 10.10 pm, the enemy sent up two
2449 Wt W14957/M90 750,000 1/16 J.B.C. & A. Forms/C.2118/13.
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