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Army Form C. 2118.
Instructions regarding War Diaries and Intelligence Summaries are contained in F.S. Regs. Part II. and the Staff Manual respectively. Title Pages will be prepared in manuscript.

Page 2
Original Confidential
38th Canadians War Diary Month June 1917

Place Date Hour Summary of Events and Information 3 Remarks and references to Appendices

Chateau de la Haie 1917 June 2
Batt. at Chateau. Training. Transport Lines near Hospital tower
sprinkled a few times with shrapnel by Huns, no casualties. RBO'S
do 3 Batt. at Chateau. RBO'S
do 4 Batt. at Chateau. Decorations conferred in forenoon. Brigade
Sports and Transport Inspection in afternoon. Batt. obeyed Oper.
Order No 78. but were marched back to Chateau in course of evening
Hun aeroplanes dropped bombs in vicinity of Transport. Bde, Ma-
chine gun Co. suffered greatest number of casualties. RBO'S
do 5 B att. at Chateau. Heavy bombardment. RBO'S
do 6 Batt. at Chateau. Hot weather. Thunderstorm at night RBO's
do 7 Batt. at Chateau. In compliance with Oper. Order No 79. Batt
moved in afternoon to ZOUAVE VALLEY. RBO's
Zouave moved in afternoon to ZOUAVE VALLEY. RBO'S
VALLEY 8 Batt. in ZOUAVE VALLEY. Meeting of Sir Julian Byng with
officrs to say "Farewell" at 10 a.m. Hun aeroplanes
very active in forenoon. RBO's
do 9 Batt. in Zouave Valley - moved to [Bertteouval?] Wood at 7 p.m. as per

2449 Wt W14957/M90 750,000 1/16 J.B.C. & A. Forms/C.2118/13.

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