


Status: Complete

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Army Form C. 2118.
Instructions regarding War Diaries and Intelligence
Summaries are contained in F.S. Regs. Part II.
and the Staff Manual respectively. Title Pages
will be prepared in manuscript.

Page 41.
Original Confidential
38th Canadians War Diary Month May 1917

Place Date Hour Summary of Events and Information 42 Remarks and
references to Appendices

Chateau de la Haie 1917 May 28 cont
night and carried on much observation before being driven
back by A.A. and Machine Gun fire. Enemy machine
gun emplacements have been located at M.30. d. 9.1. M.33.
d.6.1. T.2.c.9.2. Enemy using less Very Lights than usual.
At 1 pm today dense clouds of smoke were seen rising rom
n.32.c.4.5. where evidently a dump had been exploded by
one of our shells. At 2. a today, a light was observed in
IACOULOTTE at T.1.a.8.7.
Summary of Operations.
May 24th to May 28th 1917. inclusive
1. Artillery. Hostile artillery activity has been below normal
being confined chiefly to interittent bobardment of our
Front Line area with light shells at intervals each night
with occasional firing into GIVENCHY and LA CHAUDIERE with a
little counter battery work on VIMY RIDGE. Our artillery
activity has inreased daily enemy wire and Front LINE
system being heavily shelled daily, as well as LA COULOTTE AVION
and the outskirts of L?ENS. Much destruction has been
caused by this fire. At intervals each night, the enemy
has thrown Granat?werfers? on the frontage of our right company
and in the vicinity of our back in CYRIL C.T. Otherwise, enemy
has shown no trench mortar activity. Our Trench Mortar
has not been in action. The first two days of the

2449 Wt W14957/M90 750,000 1/16 J.B.C. & A. Forms/C.2118/13.

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