(Erase heading not required.)
Army Form C. 2118.
Instructions regarding War Diaries and Intelligence
Summaries are contained in F.S. Regs. Part II.
and the Staff Manual respectively. Title Pages
will be prepared in manuscript.
Page 40
Original Confidential
38th Canadians War Diary Month May 1917
Place -- Date -- Hour -- Summary of Events and Information 41 Remarks and references to Appendices
Chateau de la Haie 1917 May 28th
Batt relieved as per Oper. Order no 77 in the course of the night
28th 29th May
Between 6 pm and midnight last night, our artillery light and heavy
was actively engaged in rear of line. The particular points covered
included N31.a.5.7. N.31.c.q.2. N.31.d.9.7. N. and N.31.d.2.5
Today our artillery continued its activity engaging enemy battery
about N.32.c.5.6. and destroying enemy wire at T.1.aa.q.1 Enemy
supports from N.31.d.3.0. to T.1.a.8.6. were also shelled.
Our Lewis Guns have carried on bursts of fire on enemy's posts
while Brigae Machine guns during the night were engaged in
indirect fire. Our aircraft activity was normal.
During the past 24 hours, enemy artillery has been quieter altho
during the night a considerable number of light shells were
directed on our front line system. The area covered was from
s.6.d.9.4. to s.6.d.3.7. s.6.d.9.3, T.1.c.6.7. and s.6.d.8.2.
There was less firing than usual on our back areas. A con-
siderable number of Grana?n Morters? were again directed last
night on our right Company front, and new front line in
same area which is being constructed. Enemy Machine
gun and rifle fire were very quiet last night except from
9 to 12, when our working parties were considerably inter-
fered with by machine gun fire.
Several hostile aeroplanes crossed our line flying at a great
2449 Wt W14957/M90 750,000 1/16 J.B.C. & A. Forms/C.2118/13.
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