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Army Form C. 2118.
Instructions regarding War Diaries and Intelligence
Summaries are contained in F.S. Regs. Part II.
and the Staff Manual respectively. Title Pages
will be prepared in manuscript.

Page 34
Original Confidential
38th Canadians War Diary Month May 1917

Place Date Hour Summary of Events and Information 35 Remarks and
references to Appendices

Vimy 1917 May 26 cont.
From T. 1. a. 55. 60 to T. 1. a. 7. 5. slightly damaged. From T. 1. a. 7. 5. to T. 1. a. q. 3
100 yds well cut. From T. 1. a. 9. 3 to T. 1. C. 85. 70. good condition and very
thick, gap cut in each side at ?ck in CYRIL TRENCH. Wire damaged
very slightly from T. 1. c. 85. 90 to the right of our Battalion frontage.
The wire running parallel to the IENS-ARRAS Road has only on esmall
gap, but could be cut by ourselves. Neither this patrol nor the
protective patrols opposite each Company frontage obsered or
heard any enemy movement during the night.
There was a certain amount of activity on the part of our artillery
wth indifferent results & was below normal during the night.
Brigade Machine guns & our Lewis guns were engaged. Our
sniping & rifle fire was very limited ?ne fired about 100 rifle
grenades. Our aeroplanes were particularly active.
Many artillery was active & between 9.45 & 10 pm laid a perfect
barrage of light shells behind our Front Line. From midnight
to 4.00 am portions of our area were shelled. About the same

2449 Wt W14957/M90 750,000 1/16 J.B.C. & A. Forms/C.2118/13.

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