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Instructions regarding War Diaries and Intelligence
Summaries are contained in F.S. Regs. Part II.
and the Staff Manual respectively. Title Pages
will be prepared in manuscript.

Army Form C. 2118.

Page 23
Original - Confidential
38th Canadians War Diary Month May 1917

Place Date Hour Summary of Events and Information 24

Vimy 1917 May 13
the cash for paying the Batt. was in danger for a while, but
the new were paid as per arrangement. The Batt. band
was stationed in the Valley & was appreciated by the men. RBO's

14 Batt. in Zouave Valley, cleaned up

15 Batt. in Zouave Valley, resting, except for working parties RBO's
Operation Order No 7?4. by Major R. T?. Parkinson O. C. 38th Batt
the 38th Can. Inf. Batt. will be relieved tomorrow in Zouave
Valley by the 78th Can. Inf. Batt. On relief, the 38th Batt.
will be located in BERTHONVAL WOOD. Orders have already
been issued regarding billeting parties to receive allotment
of quarters there. The 38th Batt. will leave present head-
quarters by Companies when relieved, probaly 2.30 pm.
proceeding along Zouave Valley to ?ey and thence to
BERTHONVAL WOOD. Field Kitchens are being sent to
BERTHONVAL WOOD and Company Cooks will be sent there
immediately after dinner to prepare evening meal.

2449 Wt W14957/M90 750,000 1/16 J.B.C. & A. Forms/C.2118/13.

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