


Status: Complete

Instructions regarding War Diaries and Intelligence
Summaries are contained in F.S. Regs. Part II.
and the Staff Manual respectively. Title Pages
will be prepared in manuscript.
(Erase heading not required.)

Army Form C. 2118.

Page 19
Original - Confidential
38th Canadians War Diary Month May 1917

Place Date Hour -- Summary of Events and Information 20 Remarks and
references to

Vimy 1917 May 6 cont
within our lines. From 2 to 3 o'clock yesterday afternoon
the mule track leading over Vimy Ridge was shelled.
About a dozen Trench Mortar Shells were directed at our front line
early last evening. This battery we believe was firing from
a point near N 31. C. 85. 60 where something in the nature of an
emplacement is plainly visible. These Trench Mortar shells
fell in front of our front line. Enemy aircraft acti-
vity was considerably above the normal, as many as seven
enemy machines being over our line at one time, 4.30
o'clock this afternoon. These were heavily fired on by our
Machine Guns, but continued their reconnaisance flying
very high. Considerable more movement has been
in evidence in enemy front line system today than on
previous days, which would lead to the conclusion that
the Garrison there had been increased. Particular large
fires were to be seen in LENS this afternoon, probably

2449 Wt W14957/M90 750,000 1/16 J.B.C. & A. Forms/C.2118/13.

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