-9- 48
(a) Absolute silence must be maintained while filing into
Assembly Trenches.
(b) Breach Covers and L. G. Covers to be removed at ZERO
minus 15 minutes.
(c) Should a man be captured by the enemy he must only give
his Regimental Number and name, and nothing further - in doing
this he is still serving his country. Beware of dummy prisoners.
(d) PAPERS -- All papers, except pay book must be left
behind and nothing carried which might give information to the
enemy if found.
16 - (a) Maps. All map references should be made from
the 1 paper map ZOUAVE VALLEY and SOUCHEZ RIVER, which have
been issued.
(b) Craters. Dimensions of Craters at S. 15-a. C. and D. are
17. DUMPS - Battalion Reserve Dump Ammunition and R. E. Supplies
(not to be used for equipping for initial assault), S. 14. d. 65. 75
near Junction BLUE BULL C. T. and front line.
(a) Rations. A hot meal will be served about 3 a.m. Each
man will carry 48 hours rations in addition to his Iron Rations.
(b) Water. Every water bottle must be filled. Extra water
(c) Cooks. Two cooks per Company will return to Chateau
de la Hair to-day. Two per Company will remain in their kitchens
here when required.
(d) Kitchens. One of the present kitchens to be retained
and one taken over from the 182nd Tunneling Company.
19. (a) MEDICAL ARRANGEMENTS. Wounded may go to or be taken
to nearest dressing station, 38th Battalion in BLUE BULL TUNNEL,
78th Battalion in VINCENT TUNNEL. The Medical Officer will
look after all arrangements for the care of wounded.
(b) STRETCHER BEARERS. In the advance will dress wounds and
make-men as comfortable as possible. No wounded will be carried
in under after assaulting troops have passed. On no account will
men in the assault stop to attend to any wounded.
20. (a) WIRE CUTTERS. All available will be issued to Companies.
(b) ELECTRIC TORCHES. One per Company will be issued for
examining deep dug outs.
21. CASUALTIES. Officers in command of Companies will report as
early as possible their estimated casualties.
22. THE ADVANCE. Notes by the Corps Commander has been issued
to each Company and should be carefully studied.
23. RUNNERS. Each Company will detail two runners to report
to Battalion Headquarters at ZERO minus 2 hours.
P. T. O.
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