-3- 42
3. (b) 70th Battn. (continued)
as not to be exposed to view or fire from the EAST or NORTHEAST
during the pause in the barrage. The movement from this
position of waiting must be so timed as to get close to the
barrage before it lifts, after its pause from plus 35 to plus 75.
75th Battn. will detail one strong patrol to bomb down
CLUTTER C.T. following the barrage, and to get as close as
possible to the barrage when it pauses for the 40 minutes.
Another patrol to be detailed to bomb down CYANIDE C.T.
and to act in the same manner.
A third patrol to be detailed to bomb down BASIN C.T. thus overlapping
the 11th Canadian Inf. Bde.
These three patrols will each carry a red flag and upon
reaching a safe distance from the barrage will stick the flag
into the ground in a conspicuous place so as to serve as flank
guides to the two rear waves of the 75th Battalion when they
advance to the final objective. These flags will be taken down
when the two rear waves have moved forward.
(c) 72nd Battn. (loss 1 Coy. in Brigade Reserve.)
The objectives are shown in 43 on attached map. After
the capture of the enemy's front line, from [???] to
MONTREAL CRATER, exclusive, the [30th?] Battn. will be responsible
for holding and for the preparation for defensive against an
attack from the EAST of this portion of the line as far NORTH
as B. 1 SAP.
The second objective, the enemy's support line, will be
consolidated into a strong line as rapidly as possible. The troops
detailed to the first objective should be used to assist in this
consolidation when they have been relieved by 38th Battalion.
All objectives are to be reached by the time the 40
minutes pause in the barrage occurs, and connection established
with the patrol of the 78th Battn. at the junction of CLUTTER and
One Crater Rushing Party will be detailed by 72nd.Battn.
to consolidate the EASTERN Lip of the New Crater near GUNNER and
2 Vickers guns are allotted to the 72nd Battn. for use
on their left flank. One might be placed east of MONTREAL Group
of Craters near the new Crater, and the second in an advantageous
position near the second objective.
The New C.T. from MONTREAL SAP B.1 to CYRUS to serve as
a Support Trench to resist an attack from the NORTH. The 72nd
Battn.will commence this C. as soon as possible after the
initial assault, and when the flank has been made secure.
(d) 73rd Battn. (less 2? Coys.in Bde.Reserve.)
Will attack and consolidate the objective shown in GREEN
on the attached map "B".
Two Companies should be ample for the accomplishement of
the tank allotted. These to supply their own carrying parties
for consolidation, etc.
Two Crater Rushing parties to be organized; one for the
New Crater near GUNNER and LOVE CRATERS to consolidate the WESTERN
and NORTHERN Lips and 1 party to consolidate the New Crater near
Two Vickers guns are allotted to the 73rd Battn. to be used
on left flank to make it secure, and also placed so as to bring
fire to bear to the EASTWARDS so as to cover the consolidation of
the left flank of the Brigade.
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