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2. (continued)


Positions of strong points are shown on attached Map "A"
Each should have a garrison of about one Platoon with Vickers
or Lewis Guns. These points must be wired.

(e) In the event of the 10th Brigade operation taking
place, the 10th Brigade will relieve 73rd Battlalion on "Z" day
as far South as junction of CLUNY C.T. with front line. 72nd
Battln. extending NORTH to this point, exclusive.

73rd Battln. would then be withdrawn into Brigage Reserve on


To take advance of enemy's confusion and take CLUNY C.T.
to a point as far EAST as S. E d.1.1. and eventually connect
from this point to CLUCK at S.15.b.6.5. CLUCK TRENCH would
then form a Support Line facing NORTH.

This operation is of secondary importance and objectives
shown on Map "B" must be regarded as primary.

(g) MINES.

Two Mines will be sprung at ZERO; one at GUNNER CRATER
and the other at KENNEDY CRATER. Special parites will consolidate


Will , previous to the attack, use gas bombs fired from
Trench Mortars and thermite bombs. Also a smoke screen will be
placed in the region of the PIMPLE and HILL 120, from Zero onwards,
if weather conditions are favourable.


(a) 38th Batin. Will attack and capture the objectives shown
in BLUE on attached map. One wave will be sufficient to deal with
the enemy's front line. One wave is to secure the second objective,
( the main line of resistance) and at once to commence work of
consolidation. The other two waves will capture the Craters at
S. 15 Central, ( 1 to 7) and establish the strong point shown
beyond. These posts to be garrisoned by one platoon each. After
the Craters have been cleared an thepoosts established, the
remainder of the last two waves will be drawn back to assist in the
work of consolidation of the mainline of resistance.

The 38th Battn's first wave will extend 150 yards to the
NORTH and connect the enemy's present frontline with our own at
the junction of HARTUNG and LIME.

A Machine Gunn (Vickers) are allotted to the 38th Battn.
It is suggested that these be placed in advanced posts for direct
fire to the NORTHEAST and EAST. Vicinity of strong points or
Craters may prove to be the best place for these machine guns
38th Battn. will supply the necessary carrying parites for S.A.A.

(b) 38th Battn. Will attack and capture the two objectives
shown in BROWN on the attached Map, and establish the stong points
shown. The two waves to capture and consolidate the first
objective will follow the barrage to the first BROWN line, passing
through the 38th Battn\. and then commence work of consolidation.
The two waves detailed to capture the second objective will remain
for 30 minutes. approximately, in a sheltered position between the
enemy's front line and the line of Craters at S.15 Central, so


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