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8.45 a.m. At 8.45 a.m. a report came in from Capt.T.W.MacDowell
by runner, timed 8 a.m., that he was on his objective at BABY Trench
had taken two machine guns and two officers and 75 other ranks,
prisoners. Copy of this report was immediately forwarded to

9.30 a.m. The Medical Officer visited Lieut.Colonel Edwards at
Battalion Headquarters, he being still on duty although
suffering a great deal of pain and ordered him out to the
Dressing Station, the command of the Battalion being handed over
to Major.W.S.Wood.

There was no report up to this time from "A" Company
on our right but a wounded man brought in the news that Captain
E.C.H.Moore and Lieut.A.W.Duncan had both been killed and Lieut
D.Guthrie wounded.

10 a.m. At 10 a.m. report came in from Major.G.Howland, by
runner timed 9 a.m. stating that he was at No.5 crater, that he
had seen nothing of his other two officers, and that the men were
in groups, that he had a Lewis gun in No.6 crater and a Vickers
gun and a few men in No.5 crater, and was endeavoring to collect
his men but was bothered by rifle fire from his right rear. He
reported that he could see "C" Company had made their objective
but that the men were scattered. This information was phoned
Brigade, and at the same time orders issued to Major Howland by
return runner, to get in touch with Capt.MacDowell in BABY Trench
and with "C" Company.

10.15 a.m. At 10.15 a.m. Lieut.A.H.Pannell of "C" Company sent in
report by runner that he had occupied position in front of crater
No.5 and was consolidating same but did not state map location.
Later report gave this as S.15.c 10.95 to S.15.c 40.80. Orders
were sent to Lieut.Pannell by return of runner to connect with
Major Howland and Capt.MacDowell giving their locations to him.
Runners reported a great deal of sniping from our right.

11 a.m. A report from Capt.MacDowell timed 10.30 a.m. was sent
in by runner stating that he could see no sign of the 78th Battn
and that the Bosche were firing with machine guns on him but that
he had not been able to locate these (it subsequently turned out
to be in CLAUDE Trench Junction of CLUTCH), and calling for
reinforcements. This report was forwarded to Brigade. At the
same time a Reserve Lewis Gun crew was sent up to Capt. MacDowell
and Private G.J.P.Nunney, who had come in in to get a wound dressed,
stated he had a Lewis gun and had salved 32 pans of ammunition
and volunteered, if he got a carrying party, to go out again,
get the ammunition and go over to Capt.MacDowell. All men going
out to this point carried ammunition and bombs. Major Howland
was ordered to send men over to reinforace Capt.MacDowell which
he did sending a Machine Gun crew and ammunition. Three officers
and specialists who were at Chateau de la Haie were ordered up
at this time and on arrival reinforced Capt.MacDowell.

6.05 p.m. At 6.05 p.m. notification was received from Brigade
that two Companies of the 46th Battalion with two Companies of
the 85th Battalion would reinforce our line and endeavor to
connect with the 11th Brigade. This was done and the situation
cleared up on our right flank, touch being established with the
11th Brigade. The situation remained normal throughout the
machine gun fire from CLAUDE Trench.

On the morning of 10th I inspected our posts.

4.25 p.m. Brigade ordered us to collect our most disorganised
Company and bring it into Blue Bull Tunnel for rest and
reorganisation. This wasdone and "A" Company brought in. Two

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