Instructions regarding War Diaries and Intelligence
Summaries are contained in F.S. Regs. Part II.
and the Staff Manual respectively. Title Pages
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Army Form C. 2118.
Page 23
38th Canadians
Original Confidential
War Diary Month April 1917
Place -- Date -- Hour -- Summary of Events and Information Remarks and references to Appendices 24
Front Line 1917 Ap. 25 cont
tillery fire was heavy on enemy areas. This afternoon
there was intermittent fire. Two of our aircraft were
over our front lines during the day and 16 planes were
reconnoitring this area this afternoon. About 4 pm
today, volumes of smoke were seen rising in Lens,
where evidently fires of some proportion were
in progress.
The garrison of our Front Line, S.6. Central to T.1.c.2.2 1/4
consists of one Company of three Platoons, with a strength
of 130, all ranks. In this Company are three Lewis Ma-
chine Guns. In addition, three Lewis Machine guns and
crews of another Company are allotted to this line.
The line is held by a series of outposts. Strong points
have been established on our flanks, consisting of one
Lewis Gun and 8 bombers and rifle grenadiers. Be-
tween the flanks are four outposts of one Lewis Gun
and three bombers each. These are located at S.6.
c.8.3, S.6.c.6.5, S.6.c.5.6. and S.6.c.3.7.
The garrison of the second line S.18.b.8 1/4 to S.6.c.1.3
consists of one Company of three platoons, with three
Lewis Guns, a total strength of all ranks of 118. The
Third Line, S.6.c.1.3 to S.18.b.2.1. is held by two Com-
2449 Wt W14957/M90 750,000 1/16 J.B.C. & A. Forms/C.2118/13.
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