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Instructions regarding War Diaries and Intelligence Summaries are contained in F.S. Regs. Part II. and the Staff Manual respectively. Title Pages will be prepared in manuscript.

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Army Form C. 2118

38th Canadians

Page 14

Original Confidential
War Diary month april 1917
Place -- Date -- Hour -- Summary of Events and Information -- Remarks and references to Appendices
Front Line -- 1917 Ap. 11 cont -- vicinity of 5.9.c. 9 1/4.1. There was considerate sniping during the afternoon in the vicinity of CLAUDE TRENCH S.15.9. 8.7 1/4. Enemy's air machine was seen flying over our line about 10. a.m. There seems to have been a [minnou heffer?] position about 5.15. a.8.5 but owing to the [?] activity in sniping along this point, investigation has not yet been possible. -- RBOS

Front Line -- 12 -- Our artillery has been active firing along CLAUDE TRENCH from 5.15. a 8.7 1/4 to 5.9.c.9.1. also firing on enemy batteries at 5.9.d.9 4/4. Our trench [?] were active along CLAUDE TRENCH from 5.9.c. 9.4. to 5.15.a.8 1/4.7: - Our Louis guns had a chance for some active firing on some Germans who were trying to break through from CLAUDE Trench at 5.15.a.8 1/4.7. Enemy were seen to fall as a result of this fire. Our snipers were also busy accounting for several Huns at the above mentioned points. Several of our aircraft were seen, apparently doing country battery work. Corpl. Redford and two men [charging?] messages got lost in the snowstorm and wandered down through into Givenchy. They did not encounter any Huns

2449 Wt. W14957/M90 750,000 1/16 J.B.C. & A. Forms/C.2118/12.

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