Instructions regarding War Diaries and Intelligence
Summaries are contained in F.S. Regs. Part II.
and the Staff Manual respectively. Title Pages
will be prepared in manuscript.
(Erase heading not required.)
Army Form C. 2118.
Page 1
Original Confidential
War Diary for Month of April 1917
Place -- Date -- Hour -- Summary of Events and Information Remarks and references to Appendices
Chateau de la Haie & trenches 1917 April 1
Battalion in support with "A" Co at Bijoli Line, Head-
quarters and "D" Co. at Arras Line and "B" and "C"
Companies in Reserve at Chateau de la Haie. Several
large guns were brought in. Lieut. J.W. New and 3
other ranks were buried. Traffic on roads very
congested. Weather fair in morning, bad in after-
noon, with sleet snow and rain. RBO'S
do 2 Battalion Same location.
Twenty seven O.R. reported from 167. Tunnelling
Batt. and nominal Roll showed five other men
due to report to the 38th as being in Hospital.
Heavy bombardment in progress. Cold Weather
with heavy snow in afternoon. RBO'S
do 3 Batt. as on the first. Transport Lines paid. Cold. RBO'S
do 4 Fourteen O.R. reported from 4th en-
trenching Battalion. Cold weather with snow-storm.
Operation Order no 63. The 38th Can. Inf. Batt. will
relieve the 78th Can. Inf. Batt. on the 4th inst - occupying
line from Vincent Street to Blue Bull inclusive.
2449 Wt W14957/M90 750,000 1/16 J.B.C. & A. Forms/C.2118/13.
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