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and to reap its proper harvest from what had been
sown before; storing up in its own treasure-house
the spoils of every new venture in the domain of mental
Enterprize; and ever briding the present to pay over to the
future an acknowledgement of the debt it owed
to the past. Motives to right culture and action
abound. Yet it is true that Youth will almost
universally take its final bent towards evil or good,
not so much from the instruction received, as per
habits of mind, thoughts & life acquired during the
academical career, In this Institution as in others,
many even in tender years are fighting with a[crossed out]mental[endcrossed out]
mature & manly courage the great battle of life.
These not infrequently feel themselves alone amidst
the crowd, and for a moment are disheartened
by that difficulty which is the rude rocking-Cradle
of every kind of excellence. Irrespective of social
surroundings however, all are in training for Educated
life, for the higher forms of mental experience, for
circles limited perhaps, but yet circles of social
influence and leadership.
Impressed with these thoughts your committee
report that they had not more time, to examine
thoroughly and minutely every Step of the pupil in
his progress in Science and Literature. Yet from
what was witnessed at each examination, they were
fully satisfied of the fact that the corps of Instructions
employed in this venerable Institution had succeeded
admirably in impressing the Students with the
importance of the Knowledge which would be
directly servisable to them in their several
professions, and also the value of the study
of ancient literature as affording the most
intellectual training. Part of the Committee
attended the examinations at the end of each term,
as well as the annual one at the end of the
collegiate year, and find that the classes are
in a sound, healthy and vigerous condition.
All the classes from the junior section in
the Grammar School to the Senior Section
in the College proper, gave evidence that

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