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Annual Meeting. Tuesday, August 2, 1853
On motion resolved, that the Treasurer, Auditor and
Collector hereafter be required to give bonds to be approved
by the Board while in session.
On motion, adjourned till tomorrow morning
Aug. 3, at 7 1/2 o'clock, to attend the exercises of the Inauguration and
which took place according to appointment. Wednesday Aug. 3
Commencement ^ Board met and further adjourned till
2 o'clock PM.
Afternoon 2 o'clock. The Board met and further
adjourned to 6 P.M.
Evening Session. The Board met, and on motion
adopted the following Resolutions reported by the Committee
to whom was referred the President's Communication, to wit.
1. Resolved, that a contingent fund of two hundred dollars
for the President and of three hundred dollars for the Acting Committee
be and is appropriated and put at their disposal respectively
to meet contingent expenses during the ensuing year.
2. Resolved, that the President, with the concurrence of the Faculty
be and is authorized to assign so many of the Students or Classes
in the preparatory department to the several Professors in the
Collegiate department, as may be thought necessary to relieve
the labor of the Preparatory department.
3. Resolved, that the account of the President of contingent
expenses paid out of the contingent fund put at his disposal during
the past year, amounting to $190.50, be and is approved and
4. Resolved, that a committee of five members of the Board
be appointed whose duty it shall be to attend the regular examination
of Classes in the University during the ensuing year
and to reprot thereon to the Board.
On motion Messrs. Wilson, Dana, Jewett, Welch and Brown
were appointed the Committee under the foregoing Resolution.
The President's Communication referred to said
Committee as is follows:
"To the Board of Trustees of the Ohio University.
Gentlemen. In reviewing the Academical year now closing we
are gratified in saying, that it has been one of comparative prosperity.
The number of Students each successive term has gradually
increased. During the first term the number in attendance was fifty
four, and we have the present term eighty two. The whole number
enrolled on our annual catalogue is one hundred and two, and the
prospect is good for a large and steady increase the ensuing

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