



Status: Needs Review

Jan '81
L'Estampe Originale
S.F. Book Fair $65

La Mer des histoires [French]
Lyons: Jean Du Pre, I] 20 Aug. 1491 II) 23
Aug 1491 folio La Tieru Aage niiii
Johannes (de Psato de Pratis) feuillet C (3) Chapitre xiii
Goff R347 Brunet III col. 1640 Claudier III 493 XIIII
Cop NYPL(S) UIII Library. Pellechet
34cm, 50 lines. A free translation of the Rudimentum novitorium
Jacque C Brunet (Manuel der Librarie) Z 1011 B89 Lubeck 1475 Continued to 1483
2 col in fol. foth a 2 col. fig sur bois.
117 woodcuts * Le premier vol. a 10ff prelim. conterant le tihe, le
prologue et la division de l'ouvrage en sit ages, et la table
des chapitres; texte, femillets la cciiii
138 woodcuts La seconde renferme CC XXi ff de texte finisant a la
mort de Louis XI, en 1483; ensuit un f. blanc. Cuivi
de 23 ff sign JJ, KK, LL, pour le Martyrologe des
sainetz, termine par la souscription.

A. Claudin - imprimes avec une fonte nouvelle de 13 points
-la grande planche du Baptime de Clovis et du la
Bataille dee Tolbiau.
Atelier de Jean du Pre (1487-1500)
Chronicle of Printing -C. Clain - after a brief collaboration to Nicholas Muller, also Philippi,
set up as a printer on his own account at Lyons. his 1st
book, Guillermus Postilla was completed 30 Nov. 1487.
not to be confused to the Paris printer of the same name.
Jean du Pre va imprimer en province, a Narbonne et a Uzes
-Son retour a Lyon -Son sejour a Avignon.
The Old Testament story says that Hagar's (The bond woman spouse
of Abraham) giving birth to Ishmael stirred up such jealousy between
her + Sarah, Abrahams 1st wife + mother of Isaac, that
Sarah persuaded Abraham to banish the bondwoman + the child
into the desert. There Hagar gave up hope + left the child under
a shrub to die. But Gof heard the child's weeping, Created a
well fo water in the desert to save them both, + promised

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