



Status: Complete

[image: College coat of arms with ribbon: SPIENTIA ET DOCTRINA STABILITIAS]


To Principal Gordon fell the task - not less important and difficult,
than that which his predecessor had accomplished - the task of
consolidation, and of the adjustment of the University to its
new environment, and to changed and changing conditions.
Evidence that this was done was visible on every hand."

"The University, with its thoroughly equipped Faculties of
Arts, Education, Medicine, and Applied Science, had
entered upon its career as a truly national Institution, to
teach, and search after the truth, freed from the limitations
of Church connection. The Government of Ontario
had recognized the value of Queen's as an essential, integral
factor in the higher and broader educational
equipment of the Province by granting her repeated
and substasntial financial aids."

"These spendid results, the Trustees felt sure, were
due in great measure to the leadership of Principal
Gordon to his tact, patience, sound judgment, and
conciliatory handling of difficult situations."

"While the Trustees deeply regretted that the condition
of his healath would not render it possible to
continue, for any length of time, the various and
onerous duties of his offer, they would wish to consult
him before any action was taken, and to express the
hope that his ripe judgment, and wide experience
might long be at the service of the University which had
prospered as well under his administration."

[image: morrocan lamp]


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