



Status: Complete

[image-university crest]

become too small for the needs of the Chemistry department
which, in recent years, had grown apace. The Ontario
Government, seeing how economically and profitably every
grant made to Queen's, and the School of Mining, and the
Medical Faculty, had been used, made the handsome offer
of $20,000 a year for five years for a Chemistry building
on the upper campus. Needless to say how acceptable this
offer was to the School of Mining, and to the University
also. A site was provided facing Union St. and west of
Nicol Hall. All available care and skill were bestowed
upon the design externally and internally. The dimensions
were to be 168 feet by 80 in the centre, and 60 feet in
the wings, a basement and three stories. Finished, the
building was named Gordon Hall, in honor of the
Principal, who had a hand in great changes and
improvements during his term of office.

As the old campus, which was also athletic grounds, was
being gradually covered with large and handsome
buildings, the Finance and Estates Committee was
instructed to be on the alert for new grounds, near as
might be to the University, for athletic purposes, in
which, later, as needs were, the Committee was quite

At this time a valuable legacy, left by the late
Sir Robert G. Reid, was received, and the legal discharge
transmitted to the Royal Trust Company, with earnest

[image-moroccan oil lamp]

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