



Status: Complete

1905 - 06

2. In all cases of appointments to the Staff, a regular
minute of agreement shall be required.

On all other points, in connection with the subject
entrusted to it, the Committee desires further time
for consideration.

The total revenue for the year, closing, was $62,945.32, and
the expenditure $63,416.25, leaving a deficit of $488.93.
Despite this drawback, and looking for increase in revenue,
some salaries were modestly advanced, and a small
grant made for imrpovement to the grounds.

As per minute of Aprill 24, 1904, the Principal was asked
to report, from time to time, on the efficiency of the
Staff, and he now subkitted his first report. Only the
work in the Latin Department, under Professor Piker,
seemed to be in question. Of certain portions there was
no complaint but there were serious murmurs of defects
in the higher work of the department, and inefficiency
seemed to have been established. The local Justices
were instructed to look into the case further, and
state their opinion to the Board in June. Meantime,
Professor Pike was, of course, notified of the prevailing
dissatisfaction in the Latin class. And he was instructed t
to meet the Chancellor, the Chairman of the Board,
the Principal and Dr. Herridge, to afford him an
opportunity of making such expanations as were called
for, and to enable those officials of the University.


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