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in doubt whether my sentiments were peaceable - Then
by means of Petersen, I asked from Kalu=
tanak his statement of the proceedings
and went through with queries on both
sides - as if in investigation - The poor
fellows [unclear] had conveyed to them my
wish to do justice and gradually ex=
=plained the [unclear] of three Fox skins, [unclear]
etc. etc. and the exposing & forced travel
to which they had been compelled - their
whole manner [concerned?] me - that
under any circumstances they would
have behaved well to our party and
conveyed them to the brig - nothing
but their (the Esquimaux) incorrigible and
[unclear] cupidity would or could tempt
them to personal valence -
I therefore to [their?] [unclear]
satisfaction - [assured?] them of my approval
and pulled their [hair?] all round. They
were introduced into the Oriental [centers?]
of our dormitory - heretofore an [unsealed?]
unsolved mystery - {they’re?] seated on a red
blanket with [four?] pork fat lamps throwing
an illumination over old damask curtains
hunting knives, [unclear] [unclear unclear], galley
stove, and Chronometers, I dealt out
to each man five needles, a file, and
a [stick of wood?] - To Kalutanek and
[Shung-liu?] I gave knives and other
[Extras?] - and in conclusion spread out
the one remaining buffalo close to the
stove built a roaring fire - cooked a
hearty supper and by noonday they
were sleeping away in a state of thorough
content - I further explained to them
that our people did not steal, that the
fox jumpers & boots & sledges were
only taken to save their lives - and

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