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1535 - 36

David Develbiss m Cath Fulton
& had
1. Katharine m Daniel Hedger
2. Elb. m. David Dutron & went to Tiflin O.
3. Elb. m Cramer
4. Solomon b nr. Wlkrville
1 Se 1830 - 5 Ja 1904, Bur Glade
Solomon (4) m 2 No 1856 to Susan
Henrietta Cronise She b 13 Ja 1839, m. Frederich dau Samuel &
Mary (Myers) C. They had:
1. Parker m Alice Oland
2, David
3. Ellis
4. Cara.
Samuel Cronise m Mary Myers who d
CA 1899. Both bur. Mt. Olivet
They had -
1. Louisa m. Oliver Holtz
2. My m Geo. Winebrenner
3. Octavia m James Jones, Fort Scott, Kan,
4. Susan Henrietta m. Solomon Develbiss

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