Page 26




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& Catherine (Dee Val) Robinson & had
1. Wm H. farmer & reporter for News
2. Samuel
3. Lucy A.
4. Rev. Thomas B. of Ch. of God
5. Robert Lee 22 No 1862 -
6. Mary C. m Frank Linton of Urbanc
Robert Lee (5) m Eliza A. C. Wachter widow of Daniel H Wachter. (By Daniel she had 1 Ida M. m. Bradley Stull
2. Daniel
3. Ada S.) Robert & Eliza had
1. Mary Jane m Chas. E. CRAVER
2. Samuel L.
3. D. Grafton
4. Nellie C.
5. Robert F.
6. Annie L.

Simon SNOOK belonged Atica Ch. had a son
Daniel m. Margaret Ann Hill & had
1. Julia m Andrew Germand
2. Mgt M. m Henry Johnson
3. Daniel J. see his sheld

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