Indy Parks and Recreation

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Please join us in trying to identify items in this collection. We are asking for help identifying parks photographs that had little or no identifying information attached to them. While the city parks system of Indianapolis was officially formed with the Board of Parks Commission under Mayor Thomas Taggart in 1895, the story of parks in Indianapolis began decades before. The Indy Parks and Recreation digital collection features over 17,000 images and documents that depict this long history. To view the collection in full please visit:


  1. Click "Sign Up To Transcribe" at the top to create an account or browse as a guest.
  2. Browse the images, or use the filter section to the right to sort images by title, time period, or event to see if there are images you can help identify.
  3. Do you recognize the park, address, event, or individuals in the photograph? If you have information, use the dropdown menu and text boxes to tell us what you know.
For more information, contact Katie Farmer, Digital Projects Coordinator:


Unidentified park pool, 1970s

Unidentified park pool, 1970s

Collaboration is restricted.

1 page: 0% complete (0% transcribed). No metadata.
Unidentified park program, 1980s

Unidentified park program, 1980s

Collaboration is restricted.

1 page: 0% complete (0% transcribed). No metadata.
Unidentified park, 1960s

Unidentified park, 1960s

Collaboration is restricted.

1 page: 0% complete (0% transcribed). No metadata.
Unidentified team photo

Unidentified team photo

Collaboration is restricted.

1 page: 0% complete (0% transcribed). No metadata.
Displaying all 4 works