




Special Meeting held Saturday Sept 1st 1900 to Consider evidence taken at enquiry Present Cr Dorward (Chairman) Bruce, Dutton & OShanahan - Evidence taken at Enquiry read Cr Bruce proposed Cr Dutton seconded that Russell be put on Black Books for 3 months and that Wilkinson be not at any time employed on Councils day work ( & mark Councils dissaproval Carried OShanahan prop Cr Bruce seconded That this meeting approves of Chairman & Cr Puckridges action in advising that day men be put on to put road in good repair Carried Cr Bruce prop Cr Dutton seconded that overseer be censured for way he had carried out his duties with reference to road work Carried Cr Bruce gave notice that he would move at the next full meeting of the Council that the offices of Clerk & Overseer be divided Cr OShanahan prop Cr Bruce seconded that Auditors be asked to explain error of £ 1/-/- on pay sheet 30th June last Carried George Dorward Meeting to hear appeals held September 21st 1900 Present Crs Dorward (Chair) Puckridge & OShanahan Minute fixing appeal meeting read Cr Puckridge prop Cr OShanahan seconded - That as the Act states personal notice of new assessment must be given and this not being done that meeting be adjourned to October 19th 1900 Carried

19/10/1900 Confirmed Chairman

Last edit about 4 years ago by ClaireHolman


Meeting of Council held Sept 21st 1900 Present Crs Dorwood (Chair) Dutton, OShanahan & Puckridge Minutes of last meeting read & Confirmed. Financial Statements read by Chairman. Correspondence. CC Lands office that Council have power to close roads during repairs. Cr OShanahan prop Puckridge seconded that Chairman consult Councils Solicitors as to necessary steps to be taken to close same and Councils powers. Carried Mr Miller Auditor attended & explained the error in addition on paysheet June 30 (1900) Cr OShanahan prop Cr Puckridge seconded that Council are satisfied with explanation given by Mr Miller for self & Co Auditor. carried JH Wishart - re crossing at Yarandale Store - Cr Puckridge prop Cr Dutton seconded that tenders be called for Oct 6th to be opened by Lincoln & any other Councillors - carried Sec PL Tennis & Golf Club asking Council to take some steps to keep grass down in Park Lands enclosure by sheep feeding or otherwise Cr Dutton prop Cr Puckridge seconded that the matter be left to Park Lands Committee. Carried Application from C Fox as Pound Keeper prop Cr Dutton Sec Cr Puckridge That C Fox be appointed Pound Keeper of Lincoln Pound. Carried Cr Dutton prop Cr Puckridge seconded That Inspector of rabbits inspect and take action where necessary. Carried

Last edit about 4 years ago by ClaireHolman


Wire netting Applications A Ware 502 Linc 76 acres 1 1/2 mile 27-0-0 Jas McCallum 309/10/14 19 acres 3/4 mile 15-0-0 Prop Cr OShanahan sec Cr Dutton application be sent on in usual way. Carried For Crs OShanahan, Dutton & Puckridge Against Cr Dorward Crs OShanahan prop Puckridge seconded That application be made for further advance of £500/-/- on M R A/c . Carried. Cr Dutton proposed Cr Puckridge seconded that notices be posted at all Post Offices & Public places that all Lessees of Roads must comply with the act by erecting good swing gates within one month from date of notice or roads must be thrown open also those who have not leased must remove obstructions. (Carried) Overseers report adopted. Cr Puckridge prop Cr DUtton seconded that Tenders be called for next meeting for work near Mikkera & Yalluna. (Carried) Cr Puckridge prop Cr SHanahan seconded That Clerk get necessary notices printed for giving notice of Assessment soon as possible and that copies of Ward Assessments be sent to Wangary & Mt Hope Uranna & Whites Flat at a cost not to exceed £2/0/0 for the four. Carried

Last edit about 4 years ago by ClaireHolman


Accounts MR S Howard Bal 111 10-14-0 N Sampson. 1st. 119 30-0-0 J Tyler 1st 118 50-0-0 R Roberts 124. 29-16-1 Gen J Anderson 1-9-4 Cr Puckridge prop Cr OShanahan seconded A/cs as read be paid. (carried) Tenders 125. West Road. Refirming Met & Blend N Sampson. 3-10-0 ch J Tyler 4-0-0 " J Attack. 3-5-0 " L Bernard 3-0-0 I Halls Jnr 2-15-0 EA Behr 3-14-6 I Halls accepted 2-12-6 126 West Rd Reform Met & Blend N Sampson 3-15-0 ch J Attack. 4-0-0 J Tyler 4-0-0 I Halls Jnr acc 2-5-0 C Bernard 3-10-0 I Halls 3-2-6 127 near Warrow grub & clear Crossing I Halls 7-6. ch. 1/10/0 ch MPhyland 4-0 ch 2/18/0 ch E Biddle acc 2-6 ch 1/15/0 ch G Hurrell 3-9 ch 1-5-0 ch Cr Puckridge prop Cr OShanahan sec that I Halls get 125 I Halls jnr 126 & E Biddle 127 Carried Confirmed 19/10/1900 George Dorward Chairman

Last edit about 4 years ago by ClaireHolman
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