108. Funk. Jour. B. C., 25 (1916) 409-416.
The Nature of the Diseases due to the Exclusive Diet in Guinea Pigs and Rabbits.
109. Lewis and Carr. J. B. C. 28, (1916) 17.
Changes in the Urea Content of Blood and Tissues of Guinea Pigs Maintained on an
Exclusive Oat Diet.
110. Jackson, L., and Moore, J. J. J. Infec. Dis. (1916) 478-510.
Studies on Experimental Scurve in Guinea Pigs.
111. Jackson and Woody. Jour. Infec. Dis., 19 (1916) 511-514.
Bacteriologic Studies of Experimental Scurvy in Guinea Pigs.
112. Hess. Amer. Jour. Dis. Child., 12, (1916) 152.
Influence of Scurvy on Length and Weight.
133. Baumann & Howard. Amer. Jl. Med. Science, 153, (1917) 650-665.
Mineral Metabolism of Exper. Scurvy in A Guinea Pig.
134. Hoards and Ingiaidsen. Johns Hopkins Hosp. Bull., 28, (1917) 222-225.
The Mineral Metabolism of Exper. Scurvy in the Monkey.
135. Chick and Hume. J. Roy. Army. Med. Corps, 29 (1917) 121-153.
The Distribution Among Food Stuffs, ( Especially Those Suitable for Ration
in the Army) of the Substances Required for the Prevention of (a) Beri-Beri,
and (b) Scurvy.
136. Hess. Amer. Jl. Dis. Child., 13 (1917) 98.
137. Hess. Amer. Jl. Dis. Child., 14 (1917) 337-353.
Infantile Scurvy; a Study of its Pathogenesis.
138. Smith and Lewis. Amer. Chem. Society, 39, (1917) 2231. cited in 133
139. McCollum and Pitz. J. B. C., 31 (1917) 229-253.
The Vitamine Hypothesis and the Deficiency Disease. A Study of Experimental
140. Carr and Lewis. Amer. Jl. Physiology, 44 (Nov. 1917) 585.
The Phenol Excretion of Guinea Pigs Maintained on an Exclusive Oat Diet.
141. Hess, J.A.M.A 66 (1917) 235.
Sub-acute and Latent Scurvy.
142. Editorial. J.A.M.A. 69 () 2043.
Experimental Scurvy.
143. Chick and Hume. Trone. Ecc. Trop. Med. and Hyg., 10 (1917) 141-76.
Distribution Amond Food-Stuffs of the Substances Required for the
Prevention of Beri-beri and Scurvy.
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