1915 formally notified the Allied and neutral governments
that Wrangel, together with the other islands and territ-
ories along the coast of Siberia, constituted integral parts
of Russian territory.
As, during the intervening period, no government has
questioned Russia’s claim to the island, the note says,
the Soviet government regards the raising of the British
flag there as a violation of Russia’s sovereign rights.”
”: Eskimo colonists strike. Desert
Wrangel Island relief ship. Skipper also quits.”
”: Says We Want Wrangel. Soviet organ
says we are contesting British claim to the Island. The
United States, as well as Great Britain, is attempting to
establish its claim to Wrangel Island, says the newspaper
Izvestiya, which points out that the London Government
has not yet replied to Foreign Minister Tchitcherin’s
protest against the raising of the British flag on the
island by V. Steffanson, the explorer.
Recapitulating Russia's rights to this territory
the article asserts that British and American claims
to the Island are void of legal force, owing to the
fact that the British and United States governments,
with whom the question was worked out by the Washington
treaty of 1867, did not oppose Russia’s declaration of
Sept., 1916. In this declaration Russia gave notice to
the world that she considered Wrangel Island and other
territory on the Siberian coast as integral parts of the
’: Crawford Party dead on Wrangel
London Times, , p.7, col.6; "Wrangel
Island. A note has been handed to the British Charge
d’Affaires in Moscow, and is to be forwarded to London.
In this note the Soviet government recapitulates its
claim to Wrangel Island, and asserts that the raising
of the British flag there is a violation of Russian
sovereign rights.”
London Times, , p.9: ”....The relief
party left Mr. Chas. Wells with 13 Eskimos to colonize
the Island and to search for the bodies of the party,
with provisions and ammunition for three years.....
Mr. Noice found a bottle in Roger Harbor, to the
south side of the island, containing the names of the
party, and a declaration claiming Wrangel in the name
of King George....
Quoting Steffanson: ’I realize quite clearly the
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