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1107 Bank of Hamilton Bldg.,
Toronto, .

0. S. Finnie, Esq.,
Dept, of the Interior,
North West Territories of Yukon,
Ottawa, Ont.

Dear Sir:-

Since sending our statement of the 28th ult.
we have received a cheque from Lomen Bros,, Nome, Alaska,
covering goods returned which were purchased for the Relief
Expedition and not used. We have accordingly made up a
corrected statement which please find attached.

As requested by you we have shown on the face
of our statement just what the $900. item covers, which we
trust is the information you require.

For your information, in addition to the sal-
aries paid we still owe the Commander of the Expedition
$1150. being salary to the , and also
Ada Blackjack, seamstress, $200., being wages to the .

Yours faithfully.


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