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to obtain from any such authorities any charters, rights,
licenses, franchises, privileges and concessions which the
Company may deem advisable to obtain, and to carry out, exercise
and comply with any such arrangements, rights, licenses,
franchises, privileges or concessions; and, if deemed advisable,
dispose of any such arrangement's, charters, rights, privileges
and concessions;

(t) To apply for any Acts, Orders-in-Council,
certificates, licenses or any other powers or authorities
which the Company may consider desirable for carrying out its
objects or otherwise in the interests of the Company, and to
oppose any proceedings or applications whioh to the Company may
seem calculated, directly or indirectly, to interfere with or
prejudice its Interests;

(u) To purchase, or otherwise acquire and undertake,
the whole or any part of the business, property, liabilities
and undertaking of any person,corporation or company carrying
on or entitled to carry on any business which this Company is
authorized to carry on or which can be carried on so as to
directly or indirectly benefit this Company, or possessed of
property suitable for the purposes of this Company;

(v) To amalgamate with any person or persons, or any
company established for objects altogether or in part similar
to the objects of the Company or otherwise, and for such
consideration, either in shares or debentures of another company
or cash, as the Company may think fit; to take or otherwise
acquire and hold shares in any other company having objects
altogether or in part similar to those of this Company, or
carrying on any business capable of being conducted so as to
directly or indirectly benefit this Company;

(w) To borrow, raise or secure money (with or without
powers of sale or other special conditions) by a charge on or
deposit of any part of the Company’s property of any kind
soever; to draw, make, accept, endorse, issue, execute and

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