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and its long time yet till we might see ship
come. well God knows everything.If I be
known dead, I want my sister Rita to take
Bennett my son, for her own son. and look
after everythings for Bennett she is the only
one that I wish she take my son don’t let his
fathar Black Jack take him, if Rita my sister
live then I be dear.

Ada B. Jack


With this entry’s near-hysterical outburst, the character of
the Diary begins to change (as may be seen from a reading of the copy
which accompanies this manuscript). There is less repetitious talk
about her manual routine and much more disclosure of Ada, by Ada. She
starts to relax with the Diary, using it as a friend and confidante
to be trusted with her innermost emotions, touching recollections of
her past life, and even the content of her dreams.

It has already been stated that all that is in this manuscript
is truth. That is important only insofar as it means the Commentary
will keep faith with the Diary throughout. Certainly events on the
island are true, drawn from Lorne Knight’s published diary and other
documents quoted in the Stefansson book. Just as certainly Ada's own
reactions and behaviour, drawn from her statements quoted in that book’s
appendices, are true. But the Commentary is by no means limited to
that single source for its accuracy or its color. Partly it draws upon
other material, and partly upon the writer's own imagination, and in
this latter area it is necessary to state that the temptation to
fictionalize in any degree whatsoever has been and will continue to be
assiduously avoided. The solo liberty the writer allows himself in
this regard is that of interpretation.

For example, Ada’s own record does not detail the exact nature

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