kin, claiming them for the Russian Empire; and the note continued
“Le Gouvernement IMPERIAL profite de cette occasion pour
faire ressortir qu’il considere aussi comme faisant partie integrante
de l’Empire des iles Henriette, Jeannette, Bennett, Herald et Ouje-
dinenia, qui forment avec les iles Nouvelle Siberie, Wrangel et
autres situees pres la cote asiatique de l’Empire, une extension vers
le nord de la plate forme continentale de la Siberie.
“Le Gouvernement IMPERIAL n’a pas juge necessaire de joindre
a la presente notification les iles Novaia Zemlia, Kolgouev, Wai-
gatch et autres de moindres dimensions situees pres la cote euro-
peenne de l’Empire, etant donne que leur appartenance aux terri-
tories de l’Empire se trouve depuis des siecles universellement
reconnue.” 3
The curiously oblique reference to Wrangel Island seems de-
signed to imply previous acceptance of what, so far as we can
discover, had never before been claimed.
The last stage in the history of the island is connected with the
Stefansson Arctic Expedition of 1913-18. Before sailing Stefansson
received instructions from the Canadian Government to re-affirm
any British rights in Arctic lands at which the exepdition might
touch. Since Kellett had sighted Wrangel Island in 1849, when
he formally took possession of Herald Island, Mr. Stefansson’s
men regarded the former as coming within his instructions, and
British Sovereignty was declared (1 July 1914) by the section of
the Karluk’s crew which reached the island. After the War, in
the belief that some other Power might attempt to establish a prior
claim, Mr. Stefansson determined to forestall any such action by
despatching another expedition, under the command of Mr. A.
Crawford. The party included three other white men, Galle,
Maurer, and Knight, with an Eskimo woman as cook. They sailed
from Nome and landed on the island in September, 1921. The
understanding was that they should maintain themselves chiefly
by hunting, that therefore only actual supplies for six months
should be taken, and that a supply ship would be sent in 1922.
Owing to difficulties experienced by Mr. Stefansson in raising
funds, the relief ship did not sail until the end of August 1922, a
3 For translation of this, see footnote p. 22.
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