



Status: Indexed



the issue was an important one and what should be done
about it.

There were other journalists who were personally
friendly, but were unable to give us any support because
of their views on domestic and foreign politics. For in-
stance, Mr. J. L. Garvin, the editor of the Observer appeared to me to be-
lieved that the Empire was already too large and that no
riches or possible advantages of Wrangel Island would
be any argument for retaining it in the Empire. I am
still of the opinion that if Mr. Garvin had gone farther
into the subject he might have seen that Wrangel Island
was an exception to his general rule, even assuming the
rule to be valid. Until the Empire is much contracted, it
needs half-way stepping stones in every ocean to connect
the various dominions, and Mr. Garvin might have recog-
nized Wrangel as an important way station of the future.
However, in practice he observed a sort of benevolent
neutrality and did help a good deal indirectly by publish-
ing articles on transpolar commerce by air, emphasizing
the epochal possibilities of the transarctic flight of the
United States Navy dirigible Shenandoah which had just
then been announced. Anyone who already had Wrangel
in mind would inevitably see in it added value if
he only grasped the general effect of Admiral Moffett’s

However, I am afraid I did not make full use of my
opportunities to influence the press, for I was so occupied
with other things.

I had at first supposed my mission to be to the
Colonial Office and that a decision would soon be
arrived at by them. I next learned that the question
would have to be decided by the Foreign Office; in an-
other month I was told that it was too important for the

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