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shrewd and cunning, generally play fair toward each
other. They are kind and friendly to their masters and
faithful in their devotion to men.

The men spent most of their time aboard ship. There
was about two hours’ work a day for each, and the re-
mainder of the time was spent in sleeping, reading, play-
ing cards, chess and checkers, and listening to music
from our Victrola. We had an abundance of fine records
that were an ever-living source of pleasure. We were
well supplied with good reading, books and magazines.
The forethought of Dr. Stefansson in supplying us with
the means of entertainment was one of the wisest pre-
cautions he could have taken.

The Karluk was supplied with the best of provisions
to last her three years. We also had large quantities of
foods in more condensed form for use on the trail. While
on the ship no restrictions were put upon the amount
of food allowed to each man; everything was furnished
in plenty. We procured fresh water from an ice floe that
was several years old. The effect of the sun upon ocean
ice is to draw the salt from it gradually.

We had been drifting so long without any unusual
incident that our ship became a veritable home to us.
We had comfort and plenty on board, and in a measure
forgot our helplessness.

Day succeeded day in the same monotonous way, until
one night in the early part of December we were suddenly
aroused by a strong reminder of what was in store for
us. About 9 o’clock in the evening, as we were sitting
in the cabin entertaining ourselves with music, reading
and games, we were startled by a heavy booming sound
that was almost deafening. We hurried to the main deck
and discovered that a lead had opened in the ice off the

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