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4 revisions
Samara Cary at May 22, 2024 04:50 PM


16. The entries from January 22 to January 27 are routine, the making of clothing, tending of fox traps, etc. On January 28: "They’re off. At 9:10 A.M., a nice clear day, warmer than usual and all in their favor. They were going due south when last seen, and were soon out of sight." January 29: "Blowing a howling gale from the east. This camp is very comfortable and a little wood goes a long way. Yesterday and today, I have been busy fixing the place up, making it convenient for two people. Now we are well fixed until the snow starts to melt in the spring. All of the boxes outside will then have to be cleaned out (the snow removed from them), the roof and walls of the house dug away, and numerous other things will keep us busy. If only a bear would wander into camp, we would be fixed in great shape, for with only two of us and no dogs a bear would go a long way. In a couple of months, the females will be coming out of their holes with their cubs and then we should have plenty of meat. My left leg just above the knee is consid- erably swollen and is giving me some pain. Whether it is from scurvy or not, I am not sure, and although it does not lay me up, it makes moving rather painful. Fresh meat will fix me up, I am sure." This, the day after before the party left, is on the whole a cheerful entry, and also one which gives an answer to many of the questions that have been asked since the tragic outcome was published. Few of the theories that have pleased the journal-


The entries from January 22 to January 27 are routine,
the making of clothing, tending of fox traps, etc.

On January 28: "They’re off. At 9:10 A.M., a nice
clear day, warmer than usual and all in their favor. They were
going due south when last seen, and were soon out of sight."

January 29: "Blowing a howling gale from the east.
This camp is very comfortable and a little wood goes a long way.
Yesterday and today, I have been busy fixing the place up, making
it convenient for two people. Now we are well fixed until the
snow starts to melt in the spring. All of the boxes outside will
then have to be cleaned out (the snow removed from them), the
roof and walls of the house dug away, and numerous other things
will keep us busy. If only a bear would wander into camp, we would
be fixed in great shape, for with only two of us and no dogs a bear
would go a long way. In a couple of months, the females will
be coming out of their holes with their cubs and then we should
have plenty of meat. My left leg just above the knee is consid-
erably swollen and is giving me some pain. Whether it is from
scurvy or not, I am not sure, and although it does not lay me up,
it makes moving rather painful. Fresh meat will fix me up, I
am sure."

This, the day after before the party left, is on the
whole a cheerful entry, and also one which gives an answer to
many of the questions that have been asked since the tragic outcome
was published. Few of the theories that have pleased the journal-


16. The entries from January 22 to January 27 are routine, the making of clothing, tending of fox traps, etc. On January 28: "They’re off. At 9:10 A.M., a nice clear day, warmer than usual and all in their favor. They were going due south when last seen, and were soon out of sight." January 29: "Blowing a howling gale from the east. This camp is very comfortable and a little wood goes a long way. Yesterday and today, I have been busy fixing the place up, making it convenient for two people. Now we are well fixed until the snow starts to melt in the spring. All of the boxes outside will then have to be cleaned out (the snow removed from them), the roof and walls of the house dug away, and numerous other things will keep us busy. If only a bear would wander into camp, we would be fixed in great shape, for with only two of us and no dogs a bear would go a long way. In a couple of months, the females will be coming out of their holes with their cubs and then we should have plenty of meat. My left leg just above the knee is consid- erably swollen and is giving me some pain. Whether it is from scurvy or not, I am not sure, and although it does not lay me up, it makes moving rather painful. Fresh meat will fix me up, I am sure." This, the day after before the party left, is on the whole a cheerful entry, and also one which gives an answer to many of the questions that have been asked since the tragic outcome was published. Few of the theories that have pleased the journal-


The entries from January 22 to January 27 are routine,
the making of clothing, tending of fox traps, etc.

On January 28: "They’re off. At 9:10 A.M., a nice
clear day, warmer than usual and all in their favor. They were
going due south when last seen, and were soon out of sight."

January 29: "Blowing a howling gale from the east.
This camp is very comfortable and a little wood goes a long way.
Yesterday and today, I have been busy fixing the place up, making
it convenient for two people. Now we are well fixed until the
snow starts to melt in the spring. All of the boxes outside will
then have to be cleaned out (the snow removed from them), the
roof and walls of the house dug away, and numerous other things
will keep us busy. If only a bear would wander into camp, we would
be fixed in great shape, for with only two of us and no dogs a bear
would go a long way. In a couple of months, the females will
be coming out of their holes with their cubs and then we should
have plenty of meat. My left leg just above the knee is consid-
erably swollen and is giving me some pain. Whether it is from
scurvy or not, I am not sure, and although it does not lay me up,
it makes moving rather painful. Fresh meat will fix me up, I
am sure."

This, the day after before the party left, is on the
whole a cheerful entry, and also one which gives an answer to
many of the questions that have been asked since the tragic outcome
was published. Few of the theories that have pleased the journal-