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young men died. Success does lessen the sting of tragedy and their work is being carried on to success. Wrangell Island is now occupied by fifteen people under command of Charles Wells, an experienced hunter and trapper of the far north. And the British ownership of Wrangell Island has been effectively determined so that if the question is submitted to an international court, as the recent despatches from Ottawa tell us, then we shall be certain of the verdict on the basis of the evidence.

Whether the British Empire decides to stand on its rights is a wholly different matter. The United States has the next best claim and between these nations any dispute can always be settled amicably on a legal basis. But Russia seems to realize the value of Wrangell Island better than any other country and is making protestations that are loud in proportion to the weakness of her claims. Things often go without any other reason to those who want them the most. Then there is the possibility of internationalizing the island for the benefit of all countries. But that, again, is a practical question which has nothing to do with the spirit or value of the sacrifices made by Crawford, Galle, Knight and Maurer, and has nothing to do with their success.

Last edit 8 months ago by Samara Cary
Displaying pages 61 - 61 of 61 in total