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10 revisions | Samara Cary at May 21, 2024 03:05 PM stefansson-wrangel-09-25-006-047- 47 -
traveled east, for you will see on any map that the farther east you follow
the coast of [[Wrangel Island (Russia)|Wrangell Island]] the farther away you are from the Siberian
coast. To one who considers traveling over sea ice dangerous or difficult,
the obvious thing would be to go west where the southwest corner of [[Wrangel Island (Russia)|Wrangell
Island]] is only between ninety and a hundred miles from the Siberian coast
where the traders and natives live. But we must remember that the party was
going on [[Knight, Errol Lorne, 1893-1923|Knight's]] advice. [[Knight, Errol Lorne, 1893-1923|Knight's]] judgment was necessarily based upon his
experience and he had traveled so many months and so many hundreds of miles
over shifting sea ice that it had no special terrors for him. The diary
shows that the objective was [[Siberia (Russia)|Siberia]] only incidentally and [[Nome (Alaska)|Nome]] primarily.
Traveling east you get nearer and nearer to [[Nome (Alaska)|Nome]]. He probably thought also
that the ice in the straits between [[Wrangel Island (Russia)|Wrangell]] and [[Siberia (Russia)|Siberia]] would be the most
broken and mobile where the channel is narrowest, and on that basis it is
reasonable to go east before crossing.
Contrary to some other commentators, I find nothing in
this plan of [[Knight, Errol Lorne, 1893-1923|Knight's]] to disagree with until several days later they decided
to turn back. I would have been in hearty agreement if this had meant dis-
continuing any attempt to go to [[Siberia (Russia)|Siberia]], for I should not have considered the
possible gain from that trip to be worth the trouble and effort. But having
traveled east and still keeping in mind the purpose of going to [[Nome (Alaska)|Nome]], they
should certainly have struck south at all hazards when their farthest east
was reached. Going west again and making a fresh start from the southwest
corner of the island would necessarily tire the dogs if it had no other
result. As provisions were not abundant, it was not easy to feed up the dogs
to bring them back again to their original strength and freshness. For dog
feed like man food has to be adequate not only in quantity but in kind. They
seem to have had little for the dogs at this stage except hard bread and seal
oil, which will do for a few days as an emergency ration but will not keep up - 47 - traveled east, for you will see on any map that the farther east you follow Contrary to some other commentators, I find nothing in stefansson-wrangel-09-25-006-047- 47 -
traveled east, for you will see on any map that the farther east you follow
the coast of [[Wrangel Island (Russia)|Wrangell Island]] the farther away you are from the Siberian
coast. To one who considers traveling over sea ice dangerous or difficult,
the obvious thing would be to go west where the southwest corner of [[Wrangel Island (Russia)|Wrangell]]
[[Wrangel Island (Russia)|Island]] is only between ninety and a hundred miles from the [[Siberia (Russia)|Siberian coast]]
where the traders and natives live. But we must remember that the party was
going on [[Knight, Errol Lorne, 1893-1923|Knight's]] advice. [[Knight, Errol Lorne, 1893-1923|Knight's]] judgment was necessarily based upon his
experience and he had traveled so many months and so many hundreds of miles
over shifting sea ice that it had no special terrors for him. The diary
shows that the objective was [[Siberia (Russia)|Siberia]] only incidentally and [[Nome (Alaska)|Nome]] primarily.
Traveling east you get nearer and nearer to [[Nome (Alaska)|Nome]]. He probably thought also
that the ice in the straits between [[Wrangel Island (Russia)|Wrangell]] and [[Siberia (Russia)|Siberia]] would be the most
broken and mobile where the channel is narrowest, and on that basis it is
reasonable to go east before crossing.
Contrary to some other commentators, I find nothing in
this plan of [[Knight, Errol Lorne, 1893-1923|Knight's]] to disagree with until several days later they decided
to turn back. I would have been in hearty agreement if this had meant dis-
continuing any attempt to go to [[Siberia (Russia)|Siberia]], for I should not have considered the
possible gain from that trip to be worth the trouble and effort. But having
traveled east and still keeping in mind the purpose of going to [[Nome (Alaska)|Nome]], they
should certainly have struck south at all hazards when their farthest east
was reached. Going west again and making a fresh start from the southwest
corner of the [[Wrangel Island (Russia)|island]] would necessarily tire the dogs if it had no other
result. As provisions were not abundant, it was not easy to feed up the dogs
to bring them back again to their original strength and freshness. For dog
feed like man food has to be adequate not only in quantity but in kind. They
seem to have had little for the dogs at this stage except hard bread and seal
oil, which will do for a few days as an emergency ration but will not keep up - 47 - traveled east, for you will see on any map that the farther east you follow Contrary to some other commentators, I find nothing in |