much time as they possibly can. It will be impossible
for all of us to stay at the main camp for there
is just enough grub there for three people
(hard bread, blubber, and what foxes that are
caught) to last untill the seals and birds come.
I would like to make this trip but I really
do not feel able. This is just a rough outline
of atour plans more later. Crawford has several
of his finger tips frop frozen badly and they
give him considerable pain, but nothing serious.
He has the poorest hands for this country of any-
one whom I have ever seen. Clear, calm & cold. A
fairly fresh bear track seen going East.
Did not move today. Crawford took a walk out to
the lead but no chance for sealing. Saw one fresh
fox track. Cloudy, misty. Light breeze from East.
Stayed in camp. Blowing a fresh breeze from the W. Cloudy.
Camp #5
Broke camp at 9 A.M. and started ashore bound for the
main camp. About 1/2 mi. off shore a gale with drifting snow
from the N. hit us in the face and was extremely un-
plesant. We got to the beach and started W. but the wind
shifted to N. W. nearly in our faces. We traveled
until about 12:30 thru very soft snow making
poor time and the wind became so bad that we
decided to go ashore and camp. We are camped as
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