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of the house. On arriving found the
woman gone again and followed her
tracks toward the trapping camps for a
short distance. If she does not come
home tonight or in the morning I
will hitch up the dogs and go to the
other camp to see if she is there. It
looks as tho it will take one man
to watch her constantly, for if anything
serious happens to her it will be a
reflection on Mr. Stefansson and us
when we get back to [[Nome (Alaska)|Nome]].
Nov 26 SaturdayMax 29.0
Min 21.0
Hitched up dogs and went to trapping
camps to see if the woman had gone there.
Arrived and found that she had not been
seen there. [[Crawford, Allan R., 1901-1923|Crawford]] decided to return to
main camp with me and look for her
tomorrow. [[Galle, Milton Harvey Robert, 1902-1923|Galle]] arrived from the West
ward as we got home stating that he
had found her tracks going west along the
beach. They followed the beach from
camp about 4 miles and then zig-zaged
N.W. for 4 or 5 miles farther where [[Galle, Milton Harvey Robert, 1902-1923|Galle]]
turned back. Where he left the tracks to
return the tracks were going N.N.W. as
far as we can determine she took no
food with her, but we think she took
of the house. On arriving found the
woman gone again and followed her
tracks toward the trapping camps for a
short distance. If she does not come
home tonight or in the morning I
will hitch up the dogs and go to the
other camp to see if she is there. It
looks as tho it will take one man
to watch her constantly, for if anything
serious happens to her it will be a
reflection on Mr. Stefansson and us
when we get back to Nome.
Max 29.0
Min 21.0
Hitched up dogs and went to trapping
camps to see if the woman had gone there.
Arrived and found that she had not been
seen there. Crawford decided to return to
main camp with me and look for her
tomorrow. Galle arrived from the West
ward as we got home stating that he
had found her tracks going west along the
beach. They followed the beach from
camp about 4 miles and then zig-zaged
N.W. for 4 or 5 miles farther where Galle
turned back. Where he left the tracks to
return the tracks were going N.N.W. as
far as we can determine she took no
food with her, but we think she took
of the house. On arriving found the
woman gone again and followed her
tracks toward the trapping camps for a
short distance. If she does not come
home tonight or in the morning I
will hitch up the dogs and go to the
other camp to see if she is there. It
looks as tho it will take one man
to watch her constantly, for if anything
serious happens to her it will be a
reflection on Mr. Stefansson and us
when we get back to [[Nome (Alaska)|Nome]].
Nov 26 SaturdayMax 29.0
Min 21.0
Hitched up dogs and went to trapping
camps to see if the woman had gone there.
Arrived and found that she had not been
seen there. [[Crawford, Allan R., 1901-1923|Crawford]] decided to return to
main camp with me and look for her
tomorrow. [[Galle, Milton Harvey Robert, 1902-1923|Galle]] arrived from the West
ward as we got home stating that he
had found her tracks going west along the
beach. They followed the beach from
camp about 4 miles and then zig-zaged
N.W. for 4 or 5 miles farther where [[Galle, Milton Harvey Robert, 1902-1923|Galle]]
turned back. Where he left the tracks to
return the tracks were going N.N.W. as
far as we can determine she took no
food with her, but we think she took
of the house. On arriving found the
woman gone again and followed her
tracks toward the trapping camps for a
short distance. If she does not come
home tonight or in the morning I
will hitch up the dogs and go to the
other camp to see if she is there. It
looks as tho it will take one man
to watch her constantly, for if anything
serious happens to her it will be a
reflection on Mr. Stefansson and us
when we get back to Nome.
Max 29.0
Min 21.0
Hitched up dogs and went to trapping
camps to see if the woman had gone there.
Arrived and found that she had not been
seen there. Crawford decided to return to
main camp with me and look for her
tomorrow. Galle arrived from the West
ward as we got home stating that he
had found her tracks going west along the
beach. They followed the beach from
camp about 4 miles and then zig-zaged
N.W. for 4 or 5 miles farther where Galle
turned back. Where he left the tracks to
return the tracks were going N.N.W. as
far as we can determine she took no
food with her, but we think she took