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She surely understands what she is
told for she talks, reads and writes
English very well, but she seems to
have her mind set on doing the
opposite of what she is supposed to
do. Cloudy, calm.
Nov 23 Sunday WednesdayMax 24.0.
Min 20.2
[[Blackjack, Ada, 1898-1983|The seamstress]] refuses to patch a
pair of boots to day so I tied her
to the flag pole until she promised
to repair them. Kindness failing to
accelerate I am trying something of
a more forceful means. [[Galle, Milton Harvey Robert, 1902-1923
|Galle]] to
his traps nothing. I cut wood and
did several small jobs necessary. Clear. Cold. Light air from North.
Nov 24 ThursdayMax 26.6
Min 12.41 male fox
[[Galle, Milton Harvey Robert, 1902-1923|Galle]] went to traps and caught one fox.
I went out on the ice early this morning look-
ing for open water hoping to get some seals
or bears for dog feed. I went several miles
to the west ward but as walking on the ice
is nearly impossible because of the soft
snow, I came ashore and returned home to
camp. Two bears had been close to camp to west
a short time before but buthad become
frightened and had gone out on the ice.
Before leaving camp in the morning I told
She surely understands what she is
told for she talks, reads and writes
English very well, but she seems to
have her mind set on doing the
opposite of what she is supposed to
do. Cloudy, calm.
Max 24.0.
Min 20.2 The seamstress refuses to patch a
pair of boots to day so I tied her
to the flag pole until she promised
to repair them. Kindness failing to
accelerate I am trying something of
a more forceful means. Galle to
his traps nothing. I cut wood and
did several small jobs necessary. Clear. Cold. Light air from North.
Max 26.6
Min 12.4 1 male fox Galle went to traps and caught one fox.
I went out on the ice early this morning look-
ing for open water hoping to get some seals
or bears for dog feed. I went several miles
to the west ward but as walking on the ice
is nearly impossible because of the soft
snow, I came ashore and returned home to
camp. Two bears had been close to camp to west
a short time before but buthad become
frightened and had gone out on the ice.
Before leaving camp in the morning I told
She partly understands what she is told for she talks, made and writes English very well, but she seems to have her mind set on doing the appropriate of what she is perpograde to day. Cloudy, calm.
Saturday Wednesday
Max 24.0. Min 20.2
The seamstress refuses to patch a pair of boots to day so I tied her to the flag pole until she promised to repair them. Kindness tailnig to accelerate I am trying something of a more forceful means. galle to his traps nothing. I cut wood and did several small jobs necessary. Clear. Cold. Light air from North.
Max 26.6Min 12.4I made fox
Galle went to Traps and caught one fox. I went out on the ice early this morning looking for open water hoping to get some seals or bears for day feed. I went several miles h the west ward but as walking on the ice is nearly impossible because of the soft snow. I came ashore and returned fome to camps. Two bears had been close to camp to west a short time before but buthad become frightened and had fone out on the ices. Before leaving camp in the morning I told
She partly understands what she is told for she talks, made and writes English very well, but she seems to have her mind set on doing the appropriate of what she is [perpograde] to day. Cloudy, calm. Saturday Wednesday Max 24.0. Min 20.2
The seamstress refuses to patch a pair of boots to day so I tied her to the flag pole until she promised to repair them. Kindness [tailnig] to accelerate I am trying something of a more forceful means. [galle] to his traps nothing. I cut wood and did several small jobs necessary. Clear. Cold. Light air from North.
Max 26.6 Min 12.4 I made fox
Galle went to Traps and caught one fox. I went out on the ice early this morning looking for open water hoping to get some seals or bears for day feed. I went several miles [h] the west ward but as walking on the ice is nearly impossible because of the soft snow. I came ashore and returned fome to camps. Two bears had been close to camp to west a short time before but buthad become frightened and had fone out on the ices. Before leaving camp in the morning I told