the beach some time ago, about 1/4 mile East of here. The
snow was very soft as it has been snowing for the
last 24 or 30 hours. Altho my diary entry shows
, it is Xmas Eve by the diaries of the
others and we are celebrating (?!!?) by having
and extra hard bread or so apiece. The snow
roof was completed today excepting the door and
it is nice and comfortable in here tonight. Calm
very cloudy and snow. Warm
Alltho my entry says the others have
so we celebrated (?) Xmas. A few extra hard bread.
All hands did a little work outside and called it
a day. About 4 inches of snow fell in the last
24 hours. Clear, cold and light breeze from E.
Blowing a strong breeze this morning and drifting from
the East so stayed inside. I finished the complete
set of dog harness for the trip, and Crawford is
busy making ridge pole and uprights for the tent,
Light breeze from the East Cloudy.
Crawford working on tent and I brought the sled in-
doors and made several repairs on it. Hope to finish
it tomorrow. Snowing hard so the trappers stayed
in camp today. Cloudy & warm
The sled & tent in good shape and all that is
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