



Status: Incomplete


and drifting so stayed in camp. Feeding the dogs on
blubber & bear skin.

Maurer & Galle cut wood logs in suitable lengths for
hauling to camp. Crawford and I hauled a load of wood
but the snow was so soft that we were forced to quit.
Blowing a fresh breeze from the W. Clear & cold.

Galle and Maurer to their traps. Maurer saw several
fresh tracks and so did Galle. No foxes caught
however. Crawford working on small tent for
our trip and I at making harness (tandem)
Blowing a light gale from the N.E. Cloudy & drifting

It blew a strong gale all night from the East with a
very heavy drift so slept in this morning. Crawford working
on the small tent. Now (10 P.M.) sleeting and warm. Fresh
breeze from the East.

Galle to his traps. No luck, but he saw several fresh tracks
Crawford working on tent and myself on harness. Clear,
variable airs and cold.

Galle and Maurer to their traps. No luck but numerous
tracks seen. Galle has 14 traps out and Maurer's
26. Crawford working on tent. Strong breeze from
the East. Clear & drifting.

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