max -5
min -25
did nothing but cut wood. Partly cloudy and warmer.
Max +2
Min -24
Blowing a strong breeze and dirfting heavily from N.E.
General duties.
max -14
min -8
Galle & Maurer to their traps. Only a couple of fresh tracks.
Crawford and I busy about camp. The woman busy making
skin clothing for Crawford and I. Calm, clear & cold.
max +2
min -16
1 male fox. Galle
Galle and Maurer to their traps. Galle got one male fox
with a poor skin. Maurer saw no fresh tracks. Crawford and
I busy about camp. Am feeding the dogs on bear skin and
blubber. Crawford and I intend starting south as soon as
possible for dog feed is about gone and the sooner we start
the sooner we will be able to get to open water and seals.
Snowing and warm.
2 foxes Galle
max -2
min -21
Galle and Maurer to their traps. Maurer saw one fresh track
and Gall got a male and a female fox. Crawford and I hauling
wood. Partly cloudy. Light breeze from N.E.
2 foxes Galle.
Galle and Maurer to their traps. Maurer saw two fresh tracks
and Galle got a male and female fox at the old camp. Better
pelts than the former ones. Numerous tracks there. Crawford and I busy about camp. Blowing a light gale from the East. Snowing and drifting heavily. Cloudy.
Blowing a light gale all day from the East, snowing
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