a couple fresh fox tracks. No sign of bears. Maurer set
8 traps to the W. along the beach. Saw one fox track. Crawford
and I spent the day cutting logs along the beach in
suitable lengths for hauling to camp. Partly cloudy.
Warmer than the last few days. Calm
max -3.5
min -17
Maurer to his traps. Saw one fresh track and caught nothing.
Galle to his traps. Saw numerous fresh tracks but no luck.
Crawford and I hauled 3 large loads of wood. Fresh breeze
from N.E. Slightly cloudy.
max -3.5
min -20.
Blew a strong breeze all last night from the N.E. General duties
today. Light breeze from the W. Cloudy & snowing - at last.
Much warmer today than it has been for quite a spell.
max -12
min -20
It blew a strong breeze all night from the N.E. and drifted.
Maurer to his traps and got lost in the dark because the
wind shifted. Saw the lantern at camp after a while and got
to camp all O.K. Galle to his traps. No luck. Crawford and
I at general duties. Clear. Variable breeze.
max -18
min -6
Maurer and Galle to traps. Maurer saw a couple of
fresh tracks. When we erected the ridge poles at this
place we put them too high so Crawford and I spent the
day getting ready to lower them. Blowing a fresh breeze from
the N.E. Partly cloudy.
Blowing a strong breeze from the N.E. and drifting so
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