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a mile off shore a pressure ridge can be seen, made in
the last few days. For a long time I have said nothing about our
. She is very quiet and rather downhearted over the
fact that the ship did not show up, but she keeps busy and
is at present making a pair of fancy moose hide mitts (prob-
ably for Crawford). There is considerable clothing to be made for
Crawford and I if we go to Siberia, but xxx will wait for will not
have her start till we get to move. Crawford and I have just about
made up our mind to make the trip, and the time of starting depends
on several things, ice conditions, dog feed, weather etc, but we are
hoping to get started about . We think that if
the weather is good and going on the ice, not too bad, that
Nome should be reached in 60 or 70 days, for we have about made up
our minds to go to Nome instead of Anadir Bay. We have thot
that V.S. might be wintering on the main land South of us, and
I think that if he is we will see him by . If he should
not come till later we will have to take a chance and go, for very likly
if he is wintering on the main land we will hear of him and his ship
and will go there. If one can go by "hunches", my "hunch" tells me that
V.S. did not come north this summer, and that we are doing the
right thing in making this trip. Saw an oul owl today.

max 18
min 4

Blowing a howling gale from the W. and drifting thick. We
were comfortable and warm in our tent until the stove started to smoke
and then we had to get in our bags. Clear overhead.

max 9
min -1.5

Intended to start moving today but the gale did not abate until
xxx after noon. We expected to see signs of open water but the

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