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tracks seen. Blowing a strong br. from the East with snow. Cloudy

Max 29
min 22

Blowing hard all day from the S.E. with snow. Maurer
took a walk to the lead and found it covered with young ice.
He saw a fresh fox track. Crawford started a seal-net
last night and we intended to set it in the Harbor mouth.

max 28
min 25

Another nasty day. Galle and I hauled a small load of wood and
cut some. Crawford finished his seal net, and made a crab net. Will
see how "crabbing" is. Saw a couple of fresh fox tracks. Blowing
a strong breeze from the East with sleet. Warm & cloudy.

max 27
min 24

Early this morning the dogs set up a howl and Crawford and I
rushed out and a bear was running rapidly off shore about
an eigth of a mile away. The lead had opened during the night
so that the bear would undoubtably swim it and the weather
was bad as we let it go. Later on I went out on the ice and found
that it was (by the tracks) a rather large animal. The bear had
retreated over the tracks that it had made before it became
frightened. Crawford set the X crab net last night and
hauled it up this morning and found nothing but about a
quarter of shrimps on the bait. The shrimps are very
small and when boiled, nearly tasteless. Cut a little wood.
Blowing a light gale from the E. with snow.

max 24
min 20

A very peculiar thing occured today. A heavy surf came in
under the ice and split the young ice along the beach in
small fragments for a distance of 1/4 mi. W. of camp and

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