is the first one I have secured. In all 6 or 7 seals were seen in
the lead. XXX The fresh tracks of two bears were seen along
the lead, made, I think, yesterday. A couple of sea-
gulls were seen, also several female Eiders and old
squaws. A strong breeze from the W. with snow cloudy.
Max 27
min 14.5
It blew hard all night from the W. and on arriving this A.M.
saw that the ice on the S. side of the afore mentioned lead
was out of sight. It was still blowing rather hard so we de-
cided to be lazy and remain in camp. Crawford, however, took a
walk to the harbor mouth and got a shot at a xxx seal, but mis-
sed. He saw a fresh fix track. Now (11 P.M.) a fresh breeze from the E.
and clouding up. Cut wood and general duties.
Max 22
min 11
Crawford and Maurer went sealing at the lead bear saw noth-
ing, except a fairly fresh bear track. Galle and I took a
load to the other camp and about 1/4 mile of camp, during the last
24 hours a bear had come in from the ice, followed our old
sled trail for a few yards and then had gone off shore again.
We saw several fresh fox tracks. Brought back a load of
wood. A few days ago Galle set a few traps around camp
and to day he got a young male fox in one of them. The
skin was poor. Fresh breeze from the E. Snowing & cloudy.
Max 22
min 4
Crawford and Maurer went to the lead today to see how chances were
for sealing. The lead was covered with young ice so they went to the
harbor mouth. All they saw there was 4 old squaws. Galle and I
cut wood and did a few odd jobs about camp. A few fresh fox
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