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seal came up about 75 yds of Galle but before Galle
could get his rifle ready the seal turned flukes and
"was seen no more." Also an old squaw seen. Calm
cloudy and warm.

max 15.5
min 12

Crawford went out to the lead this morning to see how seal-
ing conditions were. The rest of us were to follow later. He soon
came came back with the news that the lead was nearly closed
and only very little water was visible. He got a very long
shot at a sea gull seal and shot a seal sea gull. I shot
a gull in camp. Crawford saw one fresh fox track. Fresh br.
from the S. with occasional snow.

max 22
min 15

Shortly after arising a seal was seen on the ice about 3/4
of a mile W. of camp. Maurer took a try at it and got
to within 100 yds of it. Down it went. Crawford and I took
a load of stuff to the W. and in two open holes in the
Harbor mouth spent a long time watching for seals. None
were seen in the water but one was on the ice in
the harbor and Crawford tried but did not get any
closer than 300 yds of it. The seal was very restless &
easily frightened. A few old squaws in the pools and
4 Eiders. One male & 3 females. A few fresh fox tracks
seen. Brought home a little wood.
Clear, calm & cold.
Appended is a very rought
rough sketch of Harbor
mouth on this date.
drawing of Harbor mouth including the water, camp, ice, and san spit

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